Cannot log in? Use the Troubleshooter below.

We have made the login process as easy as possible
(username is your own name and surname and you can change your password)

If you are having difficulties logging in, follow these steps:

All agents who did not complete the Agent Training within 5 days of being added as an agent are deleted and should reapply as an agent.

If you cannot find your details on the Agent Map or Active Agents post (on the Agent Info Group on Facebook) and are no longer added to the WhatsApp group of your Mentor Agent, you are not an agent anymore.

Click here to reapply as an agent

It will always be your Name and Surname
(exactly as it should be spelled, but without any accent marks)

If your name is Simoné Krüger, your USERNAME will be Simone Kruger
If your name is Ciska van der Westhuizen, your USERNAME will be Ciska van der Westhuizen (not Ciska Van Der Westhuizen)
If your name is Marie-Louise Cloete, your USERNAME will be Marie-Louise Cloete (not Marielouise Cloete)
If your name is Rina Smith, your USERNAME will be Rina Smith (not rinasmith, RinaS, rinas, Rina etc.)

Your username is NOT your e-mail address.
Ensure that there are no spaces typed after your username, the website recognizes spaces as extra characters.

Click on the “Reset your password” button below and a link will be sent to your e-mail address to set a new password (check in your spam folder as well).

If the password reset link in the e-mail shows that it has expired, click on “forgot password” again to receive a new e-mail link. PLEASE set a password you will remember next time you log in. We cannot see any passwords currently set, we can only set a new password.

We use the e-mail address we have on record (the one you gave to us when you applied as an agent or the last e-mail address you submitted in the Amend Details form). We do not have any of your other e-mail addresses on our system. If you need to change any details on your area ticket, please complete the Amend Details form.

Ensure that there are no spaces typed after your password, the website recognizes spaces as extra characters.
Please select a strong password and something you will remember.
It should consist of at least:
– 1 capital letter
– 1 lowercase letter
– 1 number
It must be longer than 5 characters and spaces are not allowed.

Clear Cookies and cache

Search on Google how to clear cookies and cache for your particular device (phone, tablet or computer).
It can usually be cleared by going to the Lock icon located in the search bar (left side) where you see the website address. Click on it and select “Cookies” or “Site settings”, then “Clear & reset”.

What are cookies?
– They are small files that are downloaded to your computer when visiting a website. They can store previous activity on that site and user preferences so this information can be retrieved the next time you visit the same site. It is recommended that you clear your browser cookies every few weeks to keep it running efficiently. You may want to configure your browser’s settings to not accept cookies (on work computers) or remove cookies upon closing or exiting the browser window.

What is browser cache?
– Browser cache or temporary Internet files are a way that browsers download website images, data, and documents for faster viewing in the future. By keeping a local copy of some website information, your browser will be able to load at least some information from each page you have visited without downloading that information again from the server. This can decrease the time it takes to load a web page. The downside is that the information on a website may have changed while your browser loads an older version. It is recommended that you clear your browser cache every few weeks to keep it running efficiently. You may want to configure your browser’s settings to delete or remove your browser’s cache upon closing or exiting the browser window.

Finally, refresh the page before trying to log in again.

If you still cannot log in after trying all of the steps explained above, please complete this form and we will assist. The website automatically blocks the IP address of someone who tries to log in with the wrong details 10 times. Please include your IP address in your message to us (in the space provided). We will then be able to unblock you on the website and you can log in again.
(IP Address: a unique string of numbers separated by full stops that identifies each computer/phone/tablet using the Internet to communicate. IT IS NOT YOUR PHYSICAL ADDRESS, I cannot do anything if you send me your home or work address…)
See the IP address for your device here:

If the form below shows an error, please send an e-mail to and add your IP address (as explained above) as well as the username and password you tried to log in with.