Stand a chance to win your next Live Life Lean purchase on us!

That’s not all… the agent of the winner will receive a voucher off on their next order of any livelifelean catalogue products.

If you haven’t tried any products yet, find an agent in your area.

Congratulations on your purchase! May the weight fall off. Well done for taking the 1st step to a NEW YOU. Your purchase will be validated by the participating Agent that you purchased from.

Who may enter?
The Monthly Live Life Lean Competition is for clients who purchased a LLL catalogue product from one of our agents and starts every 25th of the month and ends the 25th of the next month. Winners will be notified before the last working day of the month.

How to enter?
Complete the form below to enter. If you need to find the phone number and e-mail address of your agent, please follow this link to the Find an Agent page, scroll to the top of the page and enter the name of your agent in the search bar and click on the correct name in the search results. You will be directed to the agent profile of that specific agent and see all the contact details you need to enter this competition. Once you submit your entry, a copy is sent to the e-mail address of your agent for validation. You and your agent are then entered into the monthly draw.

If you are the lucky participant that gets chosen, you can win your NEXT MONTHS PRODUCT/S TO THE SAME VALUE FOR FREE, you can take the same product/s or take a different combination set, it’s all up to you.