To reset your password, please enter your email address or username below.

Enter you username or e-mail address above and a link will be sent to your e-mail address to set a new password (check in your spam folder as well).

If the password reset link in the e-mail shows that it has expired, click on “forgot password” again to receive a new e-mail link. We cannot see any passwords currently set, we can only set a new password.

We use the e-mail address we have on record (the one you gave to us when you applied as an agent or the last e-mail address you submitted in the Amend Details form). We do not have any of your other e-mail addresses on our system. If you need to change any details on your area ticket, please complete the Amend Details form.

Ensure that there are no spaces typed after your password, the website recognizes spaces as extra characters.

Please select a strong password and something you will remember.
It should consist of at least:
– 1 capital letter
– 1 lowercase letter
– 1 number
It must be longer than 5 characters and spaces are not allowed.